Kibuli Home
Kibuli boys’ home is a Halo funded home under the Youth Corps Department of Cornerstone Development Africa. It is among the first established homes to be started by Cornerstone and it has stood the test of time for about 20 years now transforming and empowering young adults who have impacted their communities. The home is planned to house 20 boys of ages between 10-17years, but currently houses 13boys.
Currently the home has a team of 3 mentors who have
been carefully selected from Cornerstone schools of Ekitaangala transformation High school and Cornerstone Leadership Academy in Nakasongola. These are well equipped with leadership and character development knowledge which is essential for the youths to learn from. We also work with a support group of Counselors, Resettlement officers, Health personnel, the Learning Center tutors and the general Youth Corps Coordination team.
Our target group are the children at risk of joining the streets or already living on the streets and are ready and willing to leave them. These are recommended by the police, Local Council Chairpersons or Probation Officers.
We have applied an outreach- style recruitment process where we actively visit the children on the streets and form relationships with those who meet our target profiles before bringing them to the home. The assessment is done by mentors together with counselors and once the child is identified, they must be approved by the office coordinators; that is, Halo Ambassador, the Accountant and the Program Manager.
We are a family of friends and the mentors play the role of big brothers, fathers, uncles, mothers and many more depending on how the children need to be related to. We advise our youth, eat, pray and play together as a family would.
As mentors in the home, we believe that children always learn more by observation and example, so we live an exemplary life and try to create a perfect learning environment for the boys.
Our leadership style is servant leadership where mentors give the youths a chance to lead themselves and make simple decisions which help them to start believing in themselves and grow their esteem.
Love heals, the best and easiest way to transform these boys is by showing them unconditional love which they have missed for so long. We teach them character development through the precepts and principles of Jesus Christ.
We encourage and strengthen the youth through care groups and emphasizing team work.
We intentionally create a friendly and safe environment for open discussions with the youths. During these discussions mentees are free to say anything, ask any question and rebuke any of the staff and mentors. These have helped to strengthen our relationship.
We recruit youths from all backgrounds, cultural and religious backgrounds. Our intentions are never to convert them, but to help them serve their beliefs better. We don’t discriminate boys against their religion, tribe, financial status or any form of difference. We are all the same in the eyes of God.
Our uniqueness can best be explained or experienced and witnessed when one visits us, therefore, you are welcome to visit Kibuli Home.
Our Mentors